Service Updates
Kaseya on-prem Server maintenance starting tonight at 10:00 PM ET
We will be performing maintenance on our on-prem Kaseya servers – go1, k2 and va4. Your server may be unavailable during this period. VA Support
Completed : Emergency Maintenance on Go1
The Kaseya Go1 Server is back up and functioning normally. VA Support
Emergency Maintenance on Go1 at 10:15 AM ET
Last night’s patch 9.5.6 caused problems with the services on the Go1 on-prem Kaseya server.On the advice of Kaseya support we need to run a reapply database schema to correct. This should take about 20 minutes.This server may be unavailable during this period. VA Support
Kaseya Server maintenance complete
The Kaseya Servers are back up and functioning normally. VA Support
Kaseya on-prem Server maintenance starting tonight at 10:00 PM ET
We will be performing maintenance on our on-prem Kaseya servers – go1, k2 and va4. Your server may be unavailable during this period. VA Support
Kaseya Server maintenance complete
The Kaseya Servers are back up and functioning normally. VA Support